
neděle 9. února 2014

First firing of 2014

Firings in January can be tricky. Middle Europe wether promises snow and freeze and you can imagine: Whole day loading of our woodkiln, with bare hands in 15°C bellow zero is, let say, unpleasant. But this year's Czech winter is mild, just with a bit of snow and temperature around zero. Good for us!

This time, We choose twelve pieces which are for us somehow significant. As usually some shibos, teapots, cups. Mirka was working on wide selection of bonsai pots for whole more then two months so her work is represented "just" by really small woodfired vase and teaboat from our electric kiln. If you are fan of her work then dont worry. Next time there will be much more to share.

Here is new pots and tea club album with few picutres of each

Vase "Frozen Field"

Stoneware vase with snow flake glaze. Woodfired to around 1280°C
Size: 7cm tall and 6cm wide
Price: 19usd


Shiboridashi "Dark Field"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C, Nuka ash glaze, with lines of tenmoku glaze
                  Volume: 125ml
                  Price: 47usd

Couple of Bowls "Blue Ash"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1280°C, Nuka ash glaze
                  Volume: around 190ml
                  Price for the set: 32usd


Teapot "Fine Soil"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C,,teapot was covered with charcoal during the firing, unglazed outside in.
                  Volume: 125ml
                  Price: 60usd

note: clay of this teapot is the black natural clay about which you can read more here

Shiboridashi set "Fire Flowers"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C,shiboridashi was covered with charcoal during the firing, New Kuan glaze on the cup
                  Volume: 110ml
                  Price: 48usd

Small shiboridashi "Twilight"

Description: Fine stoneware, woodfired to around 1250°C,shiboridashi was covered with charcoal during the firing, unglazed outside in.
                  Volume: 70ml
                  Price: 37usd

Teapot set "Blue Ash"

Description: Teapot with three cup, Natural stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C, Nuka ash glaze
                  Volume of the teapot: 125ml
                  Price: 78usd

note: clay of this teapot is the black natural clay about which you can read more here.

 Bowl "Snow Flake"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1280°C, Snow flake natural glaze
                  Volume: around 210ml
                  Price for the set: 27usd

Shiboridashi set "Yellow salt"

Description: Fine stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C,Glazed in Yellow Salt glaze with decoration lines of tenmoku glaze.
                  Volume: 100ml
                  Price: 54usd

Shiboridashi set "Warm Pebble"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C,Glazed in white glaze inside, unglazed outside. Cup with shino glaze outside
                  Volume: 120ml
                  Price: 48usd

Teapot " Copper Ore Stone"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C,,teapot was covered with charcoal during the firing, unglazed outside in, with three bark surface.
                  Volume: 110ml
                  Price: 60usd

Teaboat "Golden Rain"

Description: Fine stoneware, fired in electric kiln to 1230°C, Gloden tenmoku glaze inside and black glaze outside.
Size: 18cm wide, 4,5cm tall
Price: 28usd

Teapot " Copper Rust"

Description: Stoneware, woodfired to around 1300°C,,teapot was covered with charcoal during the firing, unglazed inside with blue-green matt glaze outside.
                  Volume: 120ml
                  Price: 60usd

If you have any more questions feel free to leave comment here or contact me via email. Sample of fine tea will go with each order from this selection, Hope you will enjoy it!

Thank you for reading!

neděle 2. února 2014

Three specials

Dear readers, thank you very much for joining the club. There is already one hundred members and we were very suprised how quickly was that number rising. We already have several ideas how to thank you for being part of this. Tea samples, free cups with your club order and more. For now, three special pieces...

We had another firing with kiln opening last week. It was actually first firing of this year and we are eager to share new "the best of" selection with you. In around a week it will be out and you will be noticed via email. Today three special pieces are not from this firing...

Forgotten in the ash...

First one is small teapot, unglazed, rough clay with three bark surface. This pot was actually really "forgotten in ash". I found it in kiln when I was preparing it for last week firing. As some of you know, there is a kiln area which we use for special "charcoal effects". Some of you might be aware of this technique: When reaching the top temperature, we pull out few bricks from kiln door and  cover white hot pots with charcoal. Strong, local reduction creates warm, natural effects. Some pieces loves it...This small teapot was in this area waiting for more than month from last firing. Covered with charcoal ash, hided behind kiln stand...And I was still wondering what happened to this kid.

Description: Stoneware teapot, unglazed, fired in charcoal part of the kiln to around 1250°C
Size: It can hold 75ml
Price: 55usd


You will find more picutres here

Gem number eight- Rusty Morning

For those who follow my original blog regularly is Gem Collection well known. When I post new piece for this collection, they are usually reserved very quickly. Applicants are patiently waiting for almost year before I contact them to arrange the shipping to pots new home. Thanks to all of you who take a part! This Gem n.8 was ready to meet its new owner several months back. But the bidder still has not called for it. I decided to offer it here. Is anyone interested?

The original post, and pictures are here 

Description: Stoneware teapot, unglazed outside with white glaze inside, fired in charcoal part of the kiln to around 1250°C
Size: It can hold 260ml
Price: 60usd



When you are a potter, then kiln opening is always full of excitements. When bigger piece not only survive The Fire but The Fire lift them up, we feel blessed. And this teaboat is the case. Mirka has played with layers of shino glaze, different hues of brown- red, soft and fine twilight like colors. It is very difficult take pictures to make it justice, at least for us. With such big, flat pieces we always have this problem. Nevertheless, we decided to make another page of this blog, dedicated just for available teaboats. First one is already there...

Description: Stoneware teaboat, black slip glaze inside and shino glaze outside, wood fired to around 1280°C
Size: 52*28cm
Price: 190usd

Thank you for reading!